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What to look for when you’re looking.


In an earlier blog, I mentioned that you should employ the services of a professional Home Inspector.  While the Home Inspector will really only make one visit to the home you have decided you WANT you should really be prepared to take an in-depth look at any of the homes you visit yourself.


So, how many years construction experience do YOU have?


For most first-time homebuyers the answer ranges from zero to none!  And if you are not fortunate enough to have a father or uncle in the construction or home improvement business, going to Open Houses can be like paging through a decorating magazine – you know what you like, but you can’t tell if there is anything wrong.


And while buying a home can be one of the biggest financial decisions of your lifetime, it doesn’t have to be one of the biggest learning experiences!  We all have pictures of the dream home that becomes a money pit!


Why should I buy YOUR e-book?


Just to show you how much great information you will get from the entire e-book, here's a link to the worksheet that we feel is SUPER helpful for the Non-Professional home inspector - YOU!!   You can copy it and take along with you each time you go to an Open House.  This worksheet takes you step by step from the outside of the house to the inside, from the basement to the attic with a list of what to look for BEFORE you really decide if the house you’re looking at is the best place for you.


We've also covered topics for the entire home-buying process more in-depth like:  how to calculate a mortgage payment, how to compare lender costs, getting ready for the BIG move, and even an annual home maintenance schedule to help you keep your home in tip-top shape for years to come.  There are also helpful tips to help you stay organized for the big move and beyond.


You’re still hesitating?


I understand – but I can tell you this – by the time you research HOW to compare lender costs, what "points" and fees are or what is NEXT in the home buying process, you could have enough information instantly at your fingertips to be confident in buying a home and being ready to goto Open Houses this Saturday afternoon!  Trust me, if you put a price tag on your time, the savings by buying the e-book will be one of the best investments you make in the process!  It may even help you to avoid a money pit!


Just click here and get your instantly downloadable copy:


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